Samoan Words: L l

1 n. sun, sunlight, daytime — 'Ua : It's daytime; (opposite of 1)
2 see lelā
3 pron. those two; (similar to lā'ua)
la tatou poss. ours, owned by us (definite, impersonal, inclusive);;
lā'au n. tree, stick;
lā'aupese n. musical instrument; (made from lā'au + pese)
lagi n. sky, heaven;
lago n. fly;
lagomeli n. bee; (made from lago + meli1)
laina n. line; (from English line)
laisene n. licence; (from English licence)
lā'iti see la'itiiti
la'itiiti (laititi, pl. lā'iti) adj. small; (opposite of lāpo'a, telē)
laititi see la'itiiti
lakapī see rakapī
laki adj. lucky; (from English lucky)
lālelei adj. beautiful, pretty (of girl) — 'O se teine lālelei: A pretty girl;
I. lb. under;
II. lb. down — Nofo i lalo: Sit down;
lalolagi n. world; (made from lalo + lagi)
lana (pl. ana) poss. his, her, its (impersonal);
lanu n. colour;
lanumeamata adj. green; (made from lanu + mea + mata2)
lanumoana adj. blue; (made from lanu + moana)
lanumoli adj. orange; (made from lanu + moli)
lāpiti n. rabbit; (from English rabbit)
lāpo'a (pl. lāpopo'a)
I. adj. big, large, fat;
II. n. size;
(similar to telē, puta, opposite of pa'e'e)
lāpopo'a see lāpo'a
lāpotopoto adj. round;
lata adj. next;
latalata adj. close, near; (opposite of mamao)
latou n. prop. they (plural);
latu adv. next;
la'u (pl. a'u2) poss. my (impersonal); (see also a, lo'u)
lau- pref. used for surfaces;
lau1 (pl. au) poss. your (impersonal);
lau2 n. leaf;
lā'ua pron. they (dual);
lauiloa v. famous; (made from lau2 + iloa)
lauiti see lauitiiti
lauitiiti (lauititi, pl. lauiti) adj. narrow (of surfaces); (made from lau- + itiiti, opposite of lautele)
lauititi see lauitiiti
laulau n. table;
laumata n. eyebrow;
laumei n. turtle;
launiu n. leaf of coconut tree; (made from lau2 + niu)
I. n. timber, plank;
II. n. board, chalkboard, blackboard — Va'ai i le laupapa: Look at the board;
lautele adj. wide (of surface); (made from lau- + tele, opposite of lauitiiti)
I. n. tea leaves;
II. n. tea drink;
(see also iputī)
lau'ulu n. breadfruit leaf; (made from lau2 + 'ulu)
lauulu n. hair;
lava v. enough;
lavalava n. material, serong, wrap-around;
v.p not; (similar to le'i)
le n.p definite article, the — 'O le tusi: The book;
le lavā adj. tired, worn out;
le'ā see 'o le 'ā
lea dem. this;
leaga1 adj. bad;
leaga2 n.p because of;
I. int. no — Lēai fa'afetai: No thanks;
II. num. none — E lēai se mea: There's nothing;
(opposite of 'ioe, see also masalo)
le'i v.p not yet; (similar to )
lelā dem. that (far);
lele1 v. to fly;
lele2 dem. there; (similar to lenā)
lelei adj. good; (opposite of leaga1)
I. adv. slowly, gently;
II. adj. slow, gentle;
lenā (pl. ) dem. that;
lenei (pl. nei) dem. this, now, today;
leo n. voice, sound, audio;
leoleo (pv. leoleoina)
I. v. to guard;
II. n. policeman, watchman;
leoleoina see leoleo
leotele adj. loud; (made from leo + tele)
lesona n. lesson; (from English lesson)
leva adj. old, past usefulness;
ligi v. to pour;
liliu v. to change, alter;
I. num. five;
II. n. hand, arm;
lipoti see ripoti
lisi n. prop. list; (from English list)
lisiti n. receipt; (from English receipt)
liu (pv. liua) v. to change, alter;
liua see liu
lo la poss. their, owned by the two of them;
lo latou theirs, owned by them (personal, definite);
lo lua poss. your, owned by the two of you (definite, personal);
lo ma poss. our, owned by the two of us (definite, personal, exclusive);
lo matou poss. ours, owned by us (definite, personal, exclusive);
lo outou poss. yours, owned by the lot of you (personal, definite);
lo ta poss. our, owned by the two of us (definite, personal, inclusive);
lo tatou poss. ours, owned by us (definite, personal, inclusive);
loa (pl. loloa)
I. adv. now — Alu loa: Go now;
II. adj. long — 'Ua loa lona tautua: He has served for a long time;
loga n. hiccup;
logo n. bell;
logona v. to hear;
loi n. ant;
loia n. lawyer — Ofisa loia: Law firm; (from English lawyer)
loka adj. locked — 'Ua loka le fale: The house is locked; (from English lock)
loli n. truck; (from English lorry)
loloa see loa
I. n. fat;
II. adj. fatty;
I. v. to press repeatedly;
II. v. to print;
I. adj. deep;
II. n. depth;
lolotu see lotu
lona (pl. ona1) poss. his, her, its (personal);
lo'o see 'o lo'o
loto n. soul, feelings;
lotu (pl. lolotu)
I. n. church service — gaogao le lotu: The church service was empty;
II. n. prayer — Fai le lotu: Say the prayer;
III. v. to worship, attend chuch — Fia lotu 'oe?: You want to go to church?;
lo'u (pl. o'u) poss. my (personal);
lou (pl. ou) poss. your (personal) — 'O ai lou igoa?: What's your name?;
lua1 num. two;
lua2 pron. you two; (similar to 'oulua)
luasefulu num. twenty; (made from lua1 + sefulu)
lue v. to move;
luelue v. to move; (see also lue)
I. lb. on top of;
II. lb. up;
lūlū (pv. lūlūina)
I. v. to shake;
II. n. raffle, lottery;
lulu n. owl;
lūlūina see lūlū
luma lb. in front;
lumana'i n. the future;
lupe n. pidgeon;