
āfāina adj. problematic, significant — E āfāina: That's fine;
'aina adj. edible — E tele lā'au 'aina a le motu: The island has many edible plants;
ala1 (pl. āla)
I. adj. awake;
II. v. to wake up;
apogālevelevēa adj. full of spider webs; (made from apogāleveleve + -a)
I. n. whole;
II. adj. all of, entire, whole — 'O le lalolagi atoa: The whole world;
aulelei adj. handsome, attractive (of either gender);
e2 adj. O! — Oka e!: O sheesh!. 'O le Manu Sāmoa e: O the Manu Samoa;
'efu'efu (pl. 'e'efu) adj. grey;
'ena adj. light brown;
'ena'ena (pl. 'e'ena) adj. brown;
'ese (pl. 'ese'ese, pv. 'eseina)
I. adj. different, foreign, strange;
II. adj. extraordinary — E 'ese le vevela: It's damn hot;
III. adv. away, somewhere else — Alu 'ese!: Get lost!;
fa'a adj. hoarse, croaky;
fa'aapogāleveleve adj. in the manner of a spider; (made from fa'a- + apogāleveleve)
fa'aleuō adj. in the manner of a friend; (made from fa'a- + le + )
fa'anoanoa adj. sad; (opposite of fiafia)
fa'apefea adj. how, by what method;
I. adj. together;
II. adv. once;
(made from fa'a- + tasi)
fa'avavau adj. eternal; (see also vavau)
I. n. woman;
II. adj. female (of animals);
(similar to tama'ita'i)
faigatā adj. difficult (to do); (made from fai + -gatā, opposite of faigofie)
faigofie adj. easy (to do); (made from fai + -gofie, opposite of faigatā)
feololo (feoloolo) adj. so-so, neither good nor bad;
I. adj. happy;
II. v. to like something;
III. n. celebration;
(opposite of fa'anoanoa, ita)
I. adj. new — 'ou alu e fa'atau mai se'evae fou: I went to buy new shoes;
II. adj. fresh (of bread etc);
gaogao adj. deserted, containing few items or people (said of spaces and gatherings) — E gaogao le pasi 'auā le timu: The bus is empty because of the rain; (opposite of tumu)
iloagofie adj. easy to know; (made from iloa + -gofie)
itiiti (ititi, pl. iti)
I. num. few;
II. adj. small;
(opposite of tele, see also la'itiiti)
la'itiiti (laititi, pl. lā'iti) adj. small; (opposite of lāpo'a, telē)
laki adj. lucky; (from lucky)
lālelei adj. beautiful, pretty (of girl) — 'O se teine lālelei: A pretty girl;
lanumeamata adj. green; (made from lanu + mea + mata2)
lanumoana adj. blue; (made from lanu + moana)
lanumoli adj. orange; (made from lanu + moli)
lāpo'a (pl. lāpopo'a)
I. adj. big, large, fat;
II. n. size;
(similar to telē, puta, opposite of pa'e'e)
lāpotopoto adj. round;
lata adj. next;
latalata adj. close, near; (opposite of mamao)
lauitiiti (lauititi, pl. lauiti) adj. narrow (of surfaces); (made from lau- + itiiti, opposite of lautele)
lautele adj. wide (of surface); (made from lau- + tele, opposite of lauitiiti)
le lavā adj. tired, worn out;
leaga1 adj. bad;
lelei adj. good; (opposite of leaga1)
I. adv. slowly, gently;
II. adj. slow, gentle;
leotele adj. loud; (made from leo + tele)
leva adj. old, past usefulness;
loa (pl. loloa)
I. adv. now — Alu loa: Go now;
II. adj. long — 'Ua loa lona tautua: He has served for a long time;
loka adj. locked — 'Ua loka le fale: The house is locked; (from lock)
I. n. fat;
II. adj. fatty;
I. adj. deep;
II. n. depth;
ma'alili adj. cold (said of a person) — 'Ua 'ou ma'alili: I'm cold;
māfanafana adj. warm;
mafolafola adj. flat; (made from fola)
mago2 adj. dry — E le'i mago ofu : Those clothes aren't dry yet; (opposite of sūsū)
I. adj. sick;
II. adj. pregnant;
(similar to gasegase, see also )
I. v. to understand;
II. adj. clear, transparent;
III. n. light;
malepe adj. destroyed, broken, fallen to pieces;
mālie (pl. mālilie)
I. v. to agree;
II. adj. agreeable, nice;
malō adj. hard, solid; (opposite of vaivai1)
mālōsi (pl. mālolōsi) adj. strong (of person); (opposite of vaivai1)
mālūlū adj. cold; (opposite of vevela)
mamā adj. clean;
mamafa adj. heavy — E mamafa le mea, koma: The thing is heavy, take a break;
mamana adj. holy; (similar to pa'ia)
mamao adj. far, distant; (opposite of latalata)
mānaia adj. good, desirable;
manogia adj. smelly; (made from manogi + -a)
mā'ona adj. full, satisfied — 'Ua 'ou mā'ona: I'm full;
mata2 adj. uncooked, unripe, not ready, raw;
matagofie adj. beautiful (lit. easy to look at); (made from mata1 + -gofie)
matala adj. open;
matua1 (pl. matutua)
I. adj. old (of people);
II. n. age (of a person);
mau'oloa adj. rich; (made from mau + 'oloa)
miti2 adj. thin (of things other than people); (similar to pa'e'e)
mo'i adj. real — E mo'i?: Really?;
moni adj. true;
mūmū adj. red;
onā adj. drunk;
onosa'i adj. patient;
I. adj. sour, bitter;
II. adj. strong (of drinks);
(opposite of vaivai1)
'oti1 adj. to cut;
pa'e'e (pl. pa'e'e'e) adj. thin; (opposite of lāpo'a, puta)
pa'epa'e adj. white;
pa'ia adj. holy;
pālagi (papālagi, pl. pālalagi)
I. n. European person;
II. adj. of western style or origin;
(made from 1 + lagi)
palapalā adj. dirty; (made from palapala + -a, see also fa'apalapalā)
1 (also mapē)
I. adj. dead (of animals);
II. adj. switched off (of lights and electronic devices);
(see also tapē)
pefua adj. dusty; (made from pefu + -a)
pēmata adj. dead;
pilia adj. full of lizards; (made from pili1 + -a)
pīniki adj. pink; (from pink)
pi'o adj. crooked;
pisa adj. noisy;
pisaō adj. noisy;
pisapisaō adj. noisy; (similar to pisa, pisaō)
pisi adj. busy; (from busy)
I. adj. night-time — 'Ua : It's night;
II. n. the night — Manuia le : Have a good night;
po'a adj. male (of animals); (from boar)
pogisā adj. darkness;
poto (pl. popoto) adj. smart;
pula adj. ripe — 'Ua pula le esi: The paw paw is ripe;
puta adj. fat; (similar to lāpo'a, opposite of pa'e'e)
pu'upu'u adj. short; (opposite of 'umi, 'umī)
I. adj. sacred;
II. adj. forbidden — le ulaula: No smoking;
III. n. A time in the evening when prayers are said.;
samasama adj. yellow;
sa'o adj. correct; (opposite of sesē)
sāuā adj. cruel, violent;
seki (also sekia) adj. good, awesome — Sole, sekia lou ta'alo: You play well;
sesē adj. wrong; (opposite of sa'o)
I. adj. most important, biggest;
II. adj. best;
siliva adj. silver; (from silver)
sou adj. rough, choppy (of sea);
suamalie adj. sweet;
sūsū adj. wet; (opposite of mago2)
talavou adj. young, not yet married;
tama'i adj. small, baby;
ta'ua adj. important;
tauaso adj. blind;
taugatā adj. expensive; (made from tau + -gatā, opposite of taugofie)
taugofie adj. cheap; (made from tau + -gofie)
tautalatala adj. talkative; (see also tautala)
telē (pl. tetelē) adj. big; (similar to lāpo'a)
tele (pl. tetele)
I. num. many;
II. adj. big;
(opposite of itiiti)
tīgā adj. sore;
adj. pregnant; (similar to ma'i)
to'atele adj. many (of people); (made from to'a- + tele)
tomua adj. introductory;
tonu adj. correct, according to instruction;
tope adj. fast; (see also topetope)
tuai adj. late, old; (opposite of vave, fou)
tumu adj. full;
tusa (pl. tutusa)
I. adj. exact;
II. according to;
tūto'atasi adj. independent;
uila adj. electric — Mōlī uila: Electric torch;
ulavale adj. nasty, troublesome;
uliuli (pl. uli1) adj. black;
'uma adj. finished — 'Ua 'uma le fono: The meeting is finished;
'umī adj. long (of objects);
'umi (pl. 'u'umi) adj. long (of time);
I. adj. soft;
II. adj. weak, tired;
valea (pl. valelea) adj. stupid, crazy;
vavau adj. ancient; (see also fa'avavau)
vela adj. cooked, ready; (see also vevela)
I. adj. hot;
II. n. heat — E 'ese le vevela: It's damn hot;
(opposite of mālūlū)
violē adj. purple; (from violet)