
1 num. four;
fia2 num. how many, what quantity;
fitu num. seven;
isi num. other;
itiiti (ititi, pl. iti)
I. num. few;
II. adj. small;
(opposite of tele, see also la'itiiti)
iva num. nine;
I. int. no — Lēai fa'afetai: No thanks;
II. num. none — E lēai se mea: There's nothing;
(opposite of 'ioe, see also masalo)
I. num. five;
II. n. hand, arm;
lua1 num. two;
luasefulu num. twenty; (made from lua1 + sefulu)
miliona num. million;
1 num. zero; (similar to sero)
ono num. six;
sefulu num. ten;
selau num. hundred;
sero (selo) num. zero; (from zero)
ta'itasi num. one each; (made from tasi)
ta'ito'atasi num. one person to each of something; (made from to'a- + tasi)
tasi num. one;
tele (pl. tetele)
I. num. many;
II. adj. big;
(opposite of itiiti)
to'afia num. how many? (of people); (made from to'a- + fia2)
to'aitiiti (to'aititi) num. few (of people);
to'atolu num. three (of people); (made from to'a- + tolu)
tolu num. three;
valu num. eight;