Noun Particles

a n.p of (impersonal) — 'O le peni a Sina: It's Sina's pen; (see also lau1, la'u)
e4 n.p by — Na faia e le ali'i le lagi ma le lalolagi i le amataga: In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth;
i n.p in, at, on; (similar to ia1, iate)
ia1 n.p to, at (when used before a name); (similar to i, iate)
iate (also ia te) n.p to, at (when used before a pronoun) — 'Ou te alofa iate 'oe: I love you; (similar to i, ia1)
le n.p definite article, the — 'O le tusi: The book;
leaga2 n.p because of;
I. n.p from;
II. adv. to me;
(opposite of atu)
n.p for;
na'o n.p only, limited to;
o n.p of (personal);
'o n.p used before nouns at the start of a sentence and in some other cases, no English equivalent — 'O le tusi: The book;
po'o n.p or; (made from po + 'o)
se1 (pl. ni) n.p a, an (indefinite article) — 'Ua 'ou fia 'ai se vae moa: I want to eat a chicken leg; (see also le)